what day is it?


Oh, it’ Tuesday. Gotcha. I still have a really hard time figuring out what day is what and when they happen lately.

So. News. Sorta. I’m planning on heading back home on Friday, August the sixth. This is barring unforeseen circumstances. More unforeseen circumstances. I’m not going to be able to stop anywhere or really see anything other than the infinite nothingness that is the state of Kansas entire Midwest on the way home. If anyone who reads this lives along I-70 between Denver and Baltimore, LET ME KNOW. well, let me know if you’re willing to let me kip on your couch for the night.

I’m going to try to make it in six days or less. I’m hoping that if I really haul ass and drive for like eleventy billion hours a day the first two days (ie, enough to get me from here to Denver in two days), I can sort of back off a bit the rest of the time and still make it in less than a week.

I hate driving that much. It gets really super boring and I have to stop about every two hours at the outside or else i start falling asleep.

ANyway, I hope to be home by the following weekend. Upon which time I shall sleep for about 48 hours. And then commence with what shall hopefully henceforth be referred to as the Great Purge of 2010. I want to go through my piles upon piles of crap and get rid of stuff. Maybe I’ll start ebaying things, or put books on half.com or something of that like.

I would really really REALLY like to get new bookshelves, but I don’t know that I’ll be able to do that at first. I should probably get a job first.

I’m going to try to get a job working as a makeup artist. Well, selling makeup, anyway. I’ll look into the places in the mall that sell makeup and will train me up a bit more in its application and tips and tricks or whatnot. I think I’ll look into doing makeup on the side, and perhaps into selling Mary Kay or suchlike. I love me some MK, it’s really good stuff.

I want to work on my hobbies as well. More sewing and making magnets and embroidery and cross-stitch and knitting. I think those things I will start before I even go home; I’m looking at not really doing a whole lot of going out the next few weeks before I leave so as to save as much money as I can. Hopefully. Theoretically, anyway.

Anyway, enough brain dump for today. Maybe I’ll start working on dollie profiles and adding a page for them tomorrow.

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